Winter Talks – all about bats!

The second in this series of winter eco talks in Holt is totally bats! Jane Harris of the Norfolk & Norwich Bat Group will be talking about our local species […]


St Mary Magdalene Book Sale

Book Sale at St Mary Magdalene - 100s of paperbacks, magazines and hardbacks - refreshments available - cash donations only - free entrance (Hall entrance only).


Piano recital by international concert pianist Jill Crossland

St Edmund's Church, Acle Norwich Rd, Acle, United Kingdom

Access for Acle presents… a piano recital by International concert pianist Jill Crossland The performance will include Schumann’s Scenes from Childhood along with works by Rameau and Chopin St Edmund’s […]


Norfolk anti poverty alliance

Norfolk Anti-Poverty Alliance: Norwich launch Weds 26 February, 5 – 7pm, The Hostry at Norwich Cathedral Join us for the first of two public launch events, exploring what is going […]

Life, Death and Christian Hope


John Wesley is reported as saying: “Our people know how to die well.” This course may help you to prepare for a Christian death, but that’s not the only reason! […]


Leadership Forum


An opportunity for all church school and academy Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers & Heads of School to contribute to the implementation and further development of the Diocese’s Education Strategy. As a […]


RE for ECTs (session 2)

These two sessions are designed especially for those new to teaching RE in primary schools and academies. In the first session, we will explore the purpose of RE, RE as a […]
