Diocese of Norwich logo
The Church of England Diocese of Norwich logo is available in a number of technical formats for all churches, schools, parishes, benefices and deaneries to download and use.
To save to your computer: right-click (if you have a PC) or click and hold (if you have a Mac) on the link for the image format you want (this will usually be the first ‘JPEG image file’ link). Then select ‘Save Target As’ from the list that appears. A window should then appear showing the folders on your hard drive. Choose where you would like to save the image to, and click ‘Save’. The image has now been saved.

Editorial Guidelines
Having a strong editorial and visual identity for our churches helps to build awareness in the community and shape perceptions.
Using the logo on church noticeboards
- Guidelines and advice for church noticeboards
- Diocese of Norwich Logo – White (EPS)
- Diocese of Norwich Logo – White (GIF)
Please see our guidance document here: Church Noticeboard Guidance

It may be useful to know the exact colours used in the logo, particularly for signwriters. They are:
Purple = Pantone: 2577 / CMYK: 56,60,0,0 / RGB: 126,113,180
If you don’t know which file format a signwriter or manufacturer may want, simply email a link to this web page and they can download themselves. The white version is not available as a JPEG as transparency is not supported in the JPEG format.
ID badges & lanyards
Having an official ID card – particularly when going into schools – can be helpful in enabling others to quickly build trust with you. We can print ID cards for Children, Youth and Families Workers (paid & voluntary), Clergy and others who have roles in their church.
There are two types:
- With your church/parish/benefice logo on the front (and Diocesan logo on the back)
- With the Diocesan logo on the front
The cost is £10 per card, regardless of which option you choose.
Each ID card comes in a holder and with a lanyard.

Business cards
We offer professional business cards at a low cost to clergy, licensed lay ministers, children’s & youth workers and those who have a specific roles in their deanery. There are two types available:
- Standard set of cards
- Personalised set of cards (includes your parish/benefice logo on the front and a purple back with the Diocesan logo)