
Parish Persons Dashboard, staff area and data

View parish content specific to your role, such as your people, activities, contact lists and finance data; or for staff members view tools, datasets and reports.

Online Faculty System

The planning portal where parishes can apply for faculties, develop proposals for their church buildings and more.

Online Parish Returns System

Complete and view Statistics for Mission and Return of Parish Finance forms.

Safeguarding Dashboard

Enabling Parish Safeguarding Officers, incumbents, churchwardens and other authorised users to see their parish’s current status of compliance.

Safeguarding Training Portal

Complete the Church of England’s national online safeguarding training through this learning portal.  


Anyone with an @dioceseofnorwich.org email address can login to Outlook 365 online to view their email, calendars, notes, etc.

Guide to using the Parish Persons Dashboard

If you need support for updating your PCC information on the database, please use this:  Guide to Parish Persons Dashboard

Or contact: hello@dioceseofnorwich.org