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Bishop of Norwich

Bishop of Norwich’s Prize for Ecology awarded

The third year of this award, the UEA chose the recipient from among the postgraduate students in their ecology department. Charlie’s dissertation focused on improving understanding of why Greater Spotted

Eco Church

St Stephen’s Eco Church Journey

Norwich city centre church, St Stephen’s, started on their Eco Church journey after reading and discussing Ruth Valerio’s “Saying yes to life” book during the Coronavirus lockdown period. “There was

Eco Church

Holt’s eco church community litter pick

The St Andrews Eco Church group organized its second annual Litter Pick at the end of February in conjunction with Holt Town Council and Greening Holt. Gemma, the Clerk to


Celebrating our Wild Isles

Bishop Graham says, “I’ve been watching the BBC Wild Isles series, narrated by David Attenborough, with its superb photography and storytelling. It should also be a wakeup call about the