Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
The Diocese of Norwich is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community.
How do I report a concern?
If you have a safeguarding concern, allegation or suspicions of abuse about a children or vulnerable adult, please immediately contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser using the following Report A Concern referral form which should be emailed to:
Report-a-Concern.docx (
Where a child or adult is at imminent risk, call 999 or for:
- Norfolk: a child or adult call 0344 800 8020
- Suffolk: a child or adult call 0808 800 4005
Independent advice
You may wish to report a concern independently from the church.
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England.
Call: 0300 303 1056
Contact our Safeguarding Advisers
Both of our Safeguarding Advisers can be contacted on:
01603 882345
Address: Safeguarding Team, Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB.
Please note: this is not an emergency service, the Advisers operate within working hours. Please leave a voicemail and someone will get back to you.
If you wish to directly contact one of the advisers in particular, their contact details are:
Sue Brice, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
07958 377079 or
Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB
Peter Sayer, Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Adviser
07342 999386 or
Bishop’s House, Norwich, NR3 1SB
Other useful contacts
- NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
- Childline 0800 1111
- Harbour Centre (Sexual Assualt Referral Centre) Norfolk 01603 276381
- The Ferns (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) Suffolk 0300 123 5058
- Refuge, Domestic abuse (women and men) 020 7395 7771
- MACSAS (Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors) 0808 801 0340
- NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood) 0808 801 0331
Information for Parishes and Clergy
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and at the heart of our Christian faith.
A message from Bishop Graham about safeguarding:
“The Diocese of Norwich is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely. I take that commitment very seriously and believe that making our churches safe for all is everyone’s responsibility. To enable that, our diocesan safeguarding team provides professional advice and training, as well as supporting those who may have suffered abuse. I commend to you the important policies and procedures detailed here. It is my prayer that they will help to ensure that all can flourish.”
The Church of England is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community. You can view the national Church of England safeguarding site here.
In all these principles we will follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice.