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Parish Safeguarding Dashboards

An online tool to make it easier for churches to manage their safeguarding requirements.

The tool has been designed to display a clear and simple dashboard allowing the Parish Safeguarding Officer, vicar, curate, churchwardens and other authorised users to see the current status of compliance at a glance. A green light would mean all is well, amber would mean that action is needed and red would mean urgent action was needed.

The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard also enables the Diocesan Safeguarding Team to make sure that each parish is up-to-date with its safeguarding administration and help those that may be struggling.

In due course all Parish Safeguarding Officers will receive an ‘invitation’ to sign-up to the dashboard, however if any parishes wish to sign-up sooner or have not yet received an invitation, they can do so by contacting the Safeguarding Team.

The advantage for parishes is illustrated in this short video: