“The time to act is now” Bishop urges support for climate and nature law
Next week MPs will debate the Climate and Nature Bill – and the Bishop of
Next week MPs will debate the Climate and Nature Bill – and the Bishop of
The first hybrid Eco Forum was held in St Stephen’s Church, Norwich and online in
“Fortunately the day was clear and not too cold for our Big Churchyard Birdwatch at
The declaration, read out by Revd Dr Fiona Haworth, Associate Priest at St Peter Mancroft
Dippy on Tour: A Natural History Adventure opened at the Cathedral on Tuesday 13 July
The Nave of the 900-year-old Norman Cathedral will be Dippy’s home for nearly four months,
Dippy, the Natural History Museum’s iconic Diplodocus cast, will be taking up residence in the
We normally have a week-long holiday club in the first week of the summer holidays.
Dippy had been scheduled to be on display in the Cathedral in Summer 2020 but
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” But now we do know.