There is nothing nicer than receiving an invitation or a card. Continue to extend a welcome to families who have come for a Christening by sending invitations to church events and activities and remembering their birthday and anniversary.
– Identify particular services/events/activities that would appeal to families. Such as a toddler group, Messy Church, all age service, crib service etc.
– Send regular invites to baptism families letting them know what is happening and that they would be welcome to attend. You may like to do this termly, or for a particular season e.g. sending a Christmas card with a flyer for all the Advent and Christmas services.
– You may like to particularly highlight services and events that they might find more family friendly.
– Use the Pastoral Services Diary to log the date of baptism and the child’s birthday and get a reminder to send a card letting them know you are still thinking and praying for them.