Unlocking the Bible in a non-book culture

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The day’s training was led by Dawn Lonsdale, Chief Officer of Unlock and took place at Saint Mary Magdalene’s Church, Gorleston.

The group learned the Unlock method of Bible study which makes the Bible accessible to people who are not already familiar with the Bible. This very practical method begins with the individual’s own experience, thus making the engagement with the Bible very powerful. It provides a way of engaging with “oral learners” who may not relate to traditional Bible studies or formal church meetings.

Feedback from delegates was very positive. Sean Ojeniyi, an ERMC ordinand, said, “This teaching will help us to engage with adults at our Defenders Feast and Messy Church groups in a different and more effective way.”

Eileen McMurtry, Reader in training in Lowestoft added:  “We have been looking for how we can engage with people who are seeking faith and the Unlock method will give us a way to teach people about the Bible and about faith.” The Revd Susannah Ellis from Gorleston said: “The course was inspiring and has provoked a few ideas!”

Since the training, the Unlock approach has already been put into practice in at least two groups, with plans for more in the pipeline.

The Unlock training workshop was made possible through a grant from the Diocese of Norwich. It was organised by the Revd Damon Rogers of St Andrew’s Church, Lowestoft, and Anna Heydon of Imagine Norfolk Together, with the support of the Revd Matthew Price and the church family at Saint Mary Magdalene’s Church, Gorleston.

The founders of Unlock, a Christian charity which began in 1972, were concerned that Christians in deprived urban areas were being denied the chance to explore their growing faith for themselves, as many churches we not using resources that related to their everyday lives and their way of looking at things. Unlock quickly realised that just because people do not think or learn in bookish ways doesn’t mean they are less capable of thinking and learning; it just means they have a different approach. The charity found that when these urban disciples tell their stories – stories of biblical values lived out in the real world – they provide a fruitful source for theological

To find out more, contact Anna Heydon on 07471 357072 or anna.heydon@togethernorfolk.org.uk or visit the Unlock website at the link below.