Up to £600 for parishes towards holiday clubs, toddler group equipment, materials for Godly Play or Alpha, and so much more.
- Parishes, benefices, deaneries and Churches Together groups can all apply
- Up to £600 is available under this scheme (and limited to a maximum of 75% of the cost for the project) for projects that demonstrate local commitment; it is remarkable what a relatively small sum can help achieve, especially if it also helps to unlock other resources.
- The key criterion is that your proposal should help you express more effectively God’s mission in your community
- The project should be part of the mission strategy contained in your Committed to Growth plan.
What could you do with £600?
All parishes are encouraged to develop Growth Plans and to review these on a regular basis. Once your church has agreed its targets, this Sharing Good News Fund may help to turn your plans into action. Together with the simple application form, we ask that you send us a copy of your Growth Plan, showing that the project for which you are seeking funds is part of your broader strategy.
£600 can be a significant amount to help start some new initiative, fund a one-off project or contribute to something larger. It might, for example, help a parish, benefice or other group to ….
- Run a children’s club during school holidays
- Buy equipment for a toddlers’ group
- Produce good quality leaflets, signs, displays or prayer aids for people who visit your church building
- Buy materials to offer ‘Godly Play’ in your local school
- Run a mission weekend, musical or arts event or other special activity to draw in those with whom you have contact in your community
- Run Alpha, Emmaus or Credo courses
- Provide special gift parcels for housebound or other needy people
- Distribute gospels or other literature to homes in your community
- Set up a church-run community news-leaflet or similar
- Buy a piece of equipment that you will go on using as a resource for mission
As you plan…
- Find out what ideas others in your area have: it may be that by working with others (e.g. neighbouring parishes) you would all end up doing something better.
- Be sure that you have thought through issues like insurance and DBS requirements; if anybody is to be employed (even if short term or for few hours) make sure you act according to the law.
- Ask for advice if you need it from your Bishop, Archdeacon or the Diocesan Secretary.
And finally…
- We would like you to send us a brief report letting us know how your mission project went; is it achieving what you hoped? To encourage others, we may feature your project on the Diocesan website or even in the local media. If appropriate, please include photographs in your report.