
Membership of church electoral rolls and the management of Parochial Church Meetings and Councils are governed by the Church Representation Rules 2017 (see below).

Each parish is required to hold an annual parochial church council meeting (‘APCM’) not later than 31 May each year. The business of the APCM is to receive from the PCC and to discuss:

  • A report on changes to the electoral roll;
  • An annual report of proceedings of the PCC and the activities of the parish generally;
  • The financial statements of the PCC for the previous year to 31 December, independently examined or audited, and considered and if thought fit, approved by the PCC and signed by its chairman;
  • A report upon the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church or churches on the parish; and
  • A report on the proceedings of the deanery synod.

PCC Meetings are regulated by the Church Representation Rules 2017. The minister of the parish will be the PCC chairman, and a lay member will be the vice-chairman. A secretary, treasurer and electoral roll officer may also be appointed. At least four meetings a year must be held, and a meeting will not be quorate unless at least a third of the members are present.

No business which is not on the agenda for a meeting may be transacted without the consent of three-quarters of the members present. Business is decided by a simple majority vote, with the chairman having a casting vote. Minutes also need to be kept. The PCC must also have a standing committee, comprising not less than five persons, which has power to deal with PCC business between PCC meetings, subject to any directions which the PCC may give.