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Eco Church Forum – understanding and demystifying food choices

Tuesday 7 May, 2024 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


This will be our first in-person Eco Church Forum for anyone on an eco journey in their church community.

The aim is to inform, equip and inspire us to think through and approach the sections of the A Rocha UK Eco Church survey that relate to food choices. We are aware of the complexities of a global food system that ensures that most of those with the least resources (in the UK) resort to cheaper, ultra-processed food. Recent research highlighted Norfolk as actually having higher than average rates of malnutrition – mostly in our elderly population, but also in some children. There is a perception, and a reality that the LOAF principles highlighted in the A Rocha survey would be very hard to achieve by many in these lower-income communities and indeed, by many of our churches who provide food for their local communities.

The chair of our Environment Working Group, the Revd David Longe will chair a panel discussion with three participants from Norfolk and Suffolk: Peter Emmrich on global food security, the Revd Leon Collyer on regenerative farming and Anna Sweeting on healthy eating on a budget.

We’ll be inviting open discussion and questions. Any practical, encouraging examples you can bring to the discussion would be helpful!

You can now join us online via this Zoom link: https://dioceseofnorwich-org.zoom.us/j/83767657935?pwd=NkZjSmluc2oxOFJlaUIwbXlkcWtlQT09

 Meeting ID: 837 6765 7935

Passcode: 868512

We’ll start with refreshments at 6:30pm to begin the discussion at 7:00pm.


Tuesday 7 May, 2024
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:
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Location (name and address)*
St Stephens, Rampant Horse Street, Norwich, NR2 1QP
Contact Details for the Event (name, email and phone) *
Barbara Bryant barbara.bryant@dioceseofnorwich.org 07876 634867
Your Contact Details if we need to contact you about this event (name, email and phone) *
as above