Dippy at Night – a spectacular farewell for Dippy!

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There are just under five weeks left of Dippy the dinosaur’s stay at Norwich Cathedral and plans are now being put in place for a spectacular farewell for the Natural History Museum’s iconic Diplodocus cast – with emergency services workers being invited to a very special preview of the event.

Dippy at Night will see the much-loved dinosaur spectacularly lit up in an entirely new way in the Nave of Norwich Cathedral, giving visitors the chance to experience a different side to the nation’s favourite dinosaur in the final days of his nationwide tour. They will also be able to explore the rest of Dippy’s medieval home in all its evening splendour and discover even more dinosaurs under the moonlight in the Cloister.

Emergency services workers are being invited to see Dippy at Night first at a special Blue Light preview on Sunday 24 October. Emergency services workers can apply for free Blue Light Tickets for them and up to four members of their family via bluelighttickets.co.uk

Dippy at Night will then be open to the general public for five nights in Dippy’s last week – October 25, 26, 28, 29 and 30.

The Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, said: “We hope Dippy at Night will be a very special celebration of our wonderful prehistoric guest who has brought so much joy to so many people during his stay here at the Cathedral. At the same time, we also wanted to take this occasion to say a heartfelt thank you to all the emergency services workers who have worked so tirelessly throughout the Coronavirus pandemic over the last year and a half. Our special Blue Light Dippy at Night preview event is just a small token of thanks for all that they do and we hope those who choose to join us with their families will have a wonderful time.”

Norwich Cathedral is organising the Blue Light Dippy at Night preview event in partnership with The Lady Dannatt, the Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, who will be there along with other civic dignitaries to welcome the emergency services workers and their families.

The Lady Dannatt said: “This is a brilliant opportunity for Norfolk to say an enormous thank you to all our outstanding Blue Light Services who have been so fantastic during the pandemic.” 

As well as seeing Dippy lit up in spectacular style by Viking Stage Lighting, people will also be able to enjoy the return of the 21 GoGoDiscover T. rex sculptures that decorated Norwich’s streets this summer. The T. rexes, which formed a citywide trail organised by children’s charity Break and Wild In Art, will all be on display under the stars in the Cathedral Cloister for Break’s Farewell for Now event that will also be open during the Dippy on Tour exhibition’s daytime opening hours.

Visitors will also be able to wander around the wider Dippy on Tour exhibition, with artist Mark Reed’s wave of 3,000 fish set to look especially stunning in the evening light, meanwhile, the east end of the Cathedral will be open for people to explore the building’s magnificent Norman architecture by night.

To book free tickets for the Blue Light Dippy at Night event on Sunday 24 October visit bluelighttickets.co.uk. Emergency services workers can book tickets for themselves and up to four members of their family. Please note that you will be required to show proof of your emergency services worker status on entry to the event.

Dippy at Night will be open to the general public on October 25, 26, 28, 29 and 30 from 7pm to 9.30pm. Entry is free and there is no need to book in advance although people may need to queue during busy periods.

The daytime exhibition Dippy on Tour: A Natural History Adventure also continues at Norwich Cathedral until Saturday 30 October 2021. Entry to the daytime exhibition is free and there is no need to book in advance (unless part of a group of more than six people).

The exhibition is usually open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday, from 7pm until 9pm on Friday evenings and from 9.30am to 5.30pm on Saturdays. Visitors are advised to check the Cathedral website before visiting as there are sometimes changes to opening hours due to Dippy’s home in Norwich being a busy working Cathedral.

For all the latest details about Dippy on Tour: A Natural History Adventure at Norwich Cathedral, visit cathedral.org.uk