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Children, Youth & Families

Children walking through the Bishop's garden.
Children, Youth & Families

Summer in Norfolk and Waveney

What are you up to this summer? Looking for things to do in Norfolk and Waveney? Here’s what’s going on across the Diocese over the next few weeks. Exploring Norfolk

Children, Youth & Families

Retreat Day for Godly Play

On Saturday 4th May the Godly Play Norfolk & Norwich Network held a retreat day for those who use Godly Play. Twelve people gathered on a gorgeous day in the

Children, Youth & Families

Rooted – pilgrimage and prayer

The Children, Youth and Families Team recently joined up with the Revd James Shelton to run a pilgrim day for young people. ‘Rooted’ was planned as a reflective walk of pilgrimage,

Children, Youth & Families

Headteachers’ conference 2024

For many years the Diocesan Board of Education has organised a conference for all the headteachers in its schools and academies. The theme this year was ‘How’s your vision? Leading

Children, Youth & Families

Lots learnt at the One Big Day event

On Saturday 27 April the Children, Youth and Families Team hosted their ‘One Big Day’ conference for anyone involved in ministry with children, young people and families. Through a programme

Children, Youth & Families

Confirmation joy at Greshams School

A large number of pupils, staff and parents were baptised and/or confirmed in a special service at Gresham’s School Chapel on Saturday 2 March. This very special and moving service was officiated

parenting teens online training poster
Children, Youth & Families

Parenting Teens for a Life of Faith

Parenting Teens for a Life of Faith is a ground-breaking new course from Parenting for Faith which will launch later this month. Aimed at parents/carers of the 11-18 age group,