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Second round of Culture Recovery Fund announced

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All listed places of worship are eligible to apply. The emphasis is on enabling people with listed buildings to be ready to share them with the community when we are able to do so. The church does not have to be one that is specifically considered a tourist or visitor destination. Previous applicants to the CRF for Heritage – both successful and unsuccessful – can apply.

The deadline for applications is 2pm on Tuesday 26 January. Capital works are excluded from this funding programme but you can apply to cover costs associated with shortfalls in income during the period April-June 2021. Minor costs to stabilise heritage at immediate risk can be included too provided they do not exceed 20% of the overall request. Any grants awarded will have to be spent between April 2021 and the end of June 2021.

Please read the rules very carefully here and also the church specific guidance from the Church of England, here.

The Heritage Fund are also offering support webinars for applicants on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 January to answer some questions that may arise. Please note that neither the National Lottery Heritage Fund or Heritage England is able to offer specific help to individual applicants. The capacity of the webinars has been increased to meet demand, and they will be available to watch after the event.

For any assistance, please get in touch with DAC support on