Safeguarding Serious Incident Reporting (SIR) update: March 2021

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The FAQs explain that the process for reporting Serious Incidents to the Charity Commission which are not related to safeguarding should take place as before, with the PCC making direct contact with the Charity Commission.

If the Serious Incident is related to safeguarding the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor should be contacted within 24 hours : email or mobile 07958 377079

It is suggested that you pass the delegation resolution at your next PCC meeting . However, if the PCC has not passed the delegation resolution before the PCC needs to inform the DSA that a safeguarding Serious Incident has occurred, a delegation resolution should be passed at that point.

Please read the revised guidance and template below (please note that the footnotes in the Example Template will help you to produce the Delegations resolution document locally):