Revvy Steady Go… local vicars join effort to raise money for local charity

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The Craft Half is a fun run with a tasty difference – runners will be rewarded with samples of craft beer at fuelling stations along the way. Runners can choose to run either a half marathon or 10k.

The Revd David Lloyd has run for Street Child before – but in a very different environment. Revd David explains:

“For the past 4 years, we’ve taken a team from St Thomas church to run in the Sierra Leone marathon for Street Child. It’s obviously much hotter and further from home than Thetford, so I’m really looking forward to seeing my kids and family at the finishing line this time, and enjoying some local craft beer along the way!”

The Revd Land hopes that this run will kick start a series of runs he hopes to get under his belt in the year he turns 40. He says:

“I’m not so sure about fuelling up on beer part, I might save my pint for the finishing line. But I’m very excited to be supporting this important and life giving charity”

Revd Andrew North, Vicar of Mulbarton Church has also signed up for the 10k run. Speaking about the run he said:

“As a former serviceman I have a passion for running and as a former teacher I believe that every child should receive an education. The Craft Half is the perfect way for me to use one passion to support the other.

“Over the past ten years Street Child has enabled 200,000 children to go to school, but that is just a drop in the ocean compared to the 121 million school-aged children are currently out of education world-wide. Through the generosity of all those who are sponsoring a runner in the Craft Half, Street Child will be able to continue to work towards its goal of ensuring that every child receives an education.”

Founder and CEO of Street Child, Tom Dannatt (who also lives in Norwich and attends St Thomas church) said:

“The fundraising generated by the Craft Half is a huge opportunity to make a real difference to some of the most vulnerable children around the world.  So get your mates together and join us on Saturday 2nd February at Thetford Forest for a half marathon with half pints that’s double the fun!”

Tom set up Street Child in 2008 after a life changing trip to West Africa. He identified that the poorest demographic of one of the poorest countries in the world, were children living on the streets in Sierra Leone.

He set about working with local Sierra Leonean community groups to help children off the streets. Ten years on, Street Child is a global children’s charity which has helped over 200,000 children in to education across ten countries, and has limitless ambition for what they intend to achieve in the next ten years.

Tom explains:

“There are 121 million school-aged children around the world who are not in education. That is unacceptable. By providing more children with access to a quality education we give them better life chances, employment opportunities, better health and we empower girls to have a voice in decisions that affect their life.”

In recognition of the life changing results Street Child achieves, the UK Government have awarded Street Child with UK Aid Match – meaning that all fundraising for the Craft Half, and all public donations made before Thursday 21 February 2019 will be matched by the UK Government up to £2million.

If you would like to sponsor the Revd Edwardthe Revd David or the Revd Andrew you can find their fundraising pages below. If you would like to sign up for the run yourself, or find out more please click here.


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