Activities for both school and parish to do together

‘All the believers were one in heart and mind...They shared everything that they had.’ Acts 4:32

  • Try to ensure that church and school liaise over dates and planning of ‘big events’ – consider including some joint events and support each other’s activities: fund raising, harvest suppers, bazaars, concerts, community events/family days, a Christmas Toy or Shoe-Box Appeal.
  • Establish Education Sunday as a major opportunity for church and school to come together
  • Organise shared worship occasions between church and school in both places e.g. some schools hold worship once a
    week in the church. If this is not possible, do endeavour to hold end of term services or special events around festivals at
    the church, even using the church for occasional and special services enhances the sense of partnership between the two.
  • Think about setting up prayer spaces. These can be particularly helpful at significant times, such as during exams in secondary
    schools. Areas may be temporary or permanent
  • Create spaces for school staff to reflect and take stock.
  • Encourage parish musicians to support music and worship in school and perhaps vice-versa – school to support special services during the year – consider establishing a joint parish/school choir, music group for such times.
  • Establish a core of hymns, songs and liturgy that will be used in worship in both church and school enabling each to learn from the other.
  • Share parking facilities and/or buildings.
  • Work together to produce activities and materials for when children visit the church.
  • Consider school and parish sharing the hosting and running of parenting courses.


connecting CYF Schools