Norwich Cathedral: worship, learning and hospitality

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In this article, Clare Williams, Head of Schools & Family Learning, shares how you can engage with the Norwich Cathedral Schools and Family Learning Department, which offers a wealth of opportunities for visitors and volunteers alike.

For the first 450 years, Norwich Cathedral was a Benedictine monastery and the ethos of this tradition continues in Cathedral life today through three key values: worship, learning, and hospitality.

Worship has been central to the Cathedral’s daily life since 1096. The very walls of the Cathedral are soaked with prayer and its size speaks of the magnificence and glory of God.

However, this is also a place that is big enough to contain our doubts and uncertainties; our or difficult questions. This is an incredible opportunity for children and young people to explore worship and belief and to learn more about themselves through that experience, to engage with the deep questions of meaning.

You can find out more about the Cathedral programmes for primary and secondary schools at

The second Benedictine value is learning. The Schools and Family Learning department are looking to encourage others to join our team. On Tuesday 1 February 2022 we will be hosting an ‘open morning’ to come for a coffee and find out more about volunteering with us. We hope you may want to be part of this special centre for learning. Contact the Schools and Family Learning department for more information.