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Vigils for all affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

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On Sunday 12 February at 5pm Norwich Cathedral and Kings Lynn Minster will both be holding vigils.

The vigil at Norwich Cathedral will be in the Nave. It will be an opportunity for all to gather and pray for the many thousands of people caught up in the disaster. There will also be the chance to donate to international relief efforts to provide urgent aid.

The Very Revd Dr Andrew Braddock, the Dean of Norwich, said: “The scale of suffering in the Turkey and Syria earthquake is impossible to comprehend. Our hearts go out to all affected. As a Cathedral, we invite all to join a Prayer Vigil at 5pm on Sunday 12 February, providing an opportunity to respond compassionately and practically to this disaster.”

The short service will include a three-minute silence and people will be invited to light candles for those who have died and for all affected by the disaster.

Those wishing to give online to support the international relief efforts are encouraged to do so via the Disasters Emergency Committee website