Could you get involved in a board or committee role, taking the lead on Diocese of Norwich governance work?
Following the formation of Diocesan Synod for the new triennium, there is a need for new members of its different boards and committees. In addition to the members who will be elected following the Diocesan Synod elections, there are opportunities for new members, who need not be part of the Diocesan or Deanery Synods or of local PCCs, to be nominated to these bodies.
Working with the bishops and archdeacons these bodies provide strategic direction in different aspects of the life of the Diocese and scrutinise management of the charity. An organogram showing the committee structure is available here.
We are looking for a wide range of people who can share their skills and expertise, for a three-year term, in several different types of work areas.
As part of our commitment to growing younger and more diverse, we are keen to identify people who are not currently involved in diocesan governance who would like to get involved. We particularly welcome interest from those in currently under-represented groups.
“I invite you to consider playing a vital part of our life together in this diocese as we are transformed by Christ to be more prayerful, more pastoral and more prophetic in our witness in this place and at this time. Will you please consider putting yourself, or those you know with the relevant skills, forward to serve on one of our boards or committees?
“We are seeking people from all different parts of our communities: younger, working-age people, those living with disabilities, and those with a UKME heritage. Is God calling you to serve his Church in this way? Witnessing to the Christ who loves us and draws near, as we journey together in faith.”
The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich
What the Diocese can do for you
Serving in a governance role will give you full understanding of and influence within the Diocese. You will be supporting the ministry and mission of individual parishes and supporting work in schools and chaplaincies. Your role in helping set strategy, make decisions and ensure accountability will give you significant exposure that will broaden and deepen your experience from elsewhere. In summary, you will get new transferable skills, valuable work experience and improved confidence – all achieved through giving back to the church, demonstrating your commitment and improving how things work.
These are volunteer positions and are not remunerated, though expenses may be claimed if necessary.
What you can do for the Diocese
You will make a massive contribution by combining your personal skills with your passion to see God’s Kingdom and the role of the Anglican church maximised across the Diocese. We are seeking commitment and involvement combined with representation and advocacy. Most people interested will feel a vocational call to serve in this area.
We know that those involved in our governance will have parish involvement and loyalty and may also have involvement in a local deanery. The distinctive feature of diocesan governance is the need to put the Diocese first and to consider the greatest good for the Church across the Diocese.
What we are looking for
We are seeking individuals with specific experience and skills, but a tight ‘professional’ fit is not automatically required for all roles. For example, the Diocesan Board of Finance should not comprise only accountants and financial managers. For this reason, we do not produce role descriptions for each of the bodies.
The person specification can be expressed as: we seek members who can take on governance responsibility with passion, commitment, diligence and impartiality.
There expect that individuals will operate in line with the Nolan principles: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership.
The Boards and Committees to be filled
The bodies to be filled are detailed below. In each case, there is a link to further information and the Terms of Reference of each body. On individual boards and committees there can be specific recruitment requirements for clergy and laity.
Finance Committee
Up to three members are needed for the Finance Committee. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee please look here.
Asset Management Committee
Up to three members are needed for the Asset Management Committee. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Asset Management Committee please look here.
Property Committee
Up to three members, of whom at least one is a member of beneficed clergy in the diocese, are needed for the Property Committee. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Property Committee please look here.
How to apply
Letters of application, accompanied by a CV should be sent to the Diocesan Secretary via Holly Westgarth at by Sunday 22 September.
If you have any queries about the committees, the work, or the commitment required please contact Holly Westgarth in the first instance:
What happens next
After receiving expressions of interest, the Nominations Committee will consider the overall recruitment situation and will give you feedback about your interest which may include asking further questions and a meeting.
The Nominations Committee will make it clear to you whether you are being recommended for appointment to a particular board or committee.
We would like to thank you for considering volunteering for a governance role within the Diocese as an area for your Christian service.
Timeline for expressions of interest, nominations and elections to boards and committees