New County Ecumenical Officer appointed

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Speaking about their appointment Ian said: I am thrilled and honoured to be appointed as the County Ecumenical Officer for Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney.  I am eager to embark on this exciting journey of promoting unity and cooperation among the diverse Christian communities in our area.  As a committed Christian, my passion for this role is deeply rooted in an unwavering belief that Church Unity is not just a lofty ideal but a vital mission that resonates with the very essence of our faith.

 I am so excited about becoming the County Ecumenical Officer.  It is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the different traditions and wonderful forms of worship across our region.  I am the type of progressive Roman Catholic (if indeed there is a type) who recognises the beauty and truth that exists in all the seven denominations that make up Norfolk and Waveney Churches Together.  It will be a privilege to learn from these and to support the effort for greater visible unity whilst respecting and honouring our differences.

Convenor, The Revd Canon Julian Pursehouse, said: “I am delighted that Norfolk and Waveney Churches Together have appointed such an able and enthusiastic colleague who will encourage our different denominations to forge greater unity and deeper understanding. I know I speak on behalf of the other Church Leaders, in expressing our common commitment to work with Ian, to create this spirit of unity and shared endeavour for the sake of the Gospel.”

Explaining more about the role Ian says: “My role is predominantly one of listening, helping, supporting and enabling those who are or wish to be engaged in Church unity.  My role is about working with others to help build bridges of understanding, promote dialogue, spread learning, and work towards common goals that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are expressed in the various local ecumenical partnerships and projects that already exist across our area.  For me this non-denominational role is not just another part time job.  I am doing it because I have been called by the Holy Spirit to do so. I look forward to collaborating with and supporting all the Christian traditions in Norfolk and Waveney. In the next few months, I shall be learning as much as possible about what is already happening across our area and how I can best support what it is that you wish to do around Church Unity.  I will also be working with Churches Together in England, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, as well as our local Denominational Ecumenical Officers to agree the programme of work which will include reviewing what we currently do, as well as refreshing our communications and information around Churches Together. “

If anyone wants to contact Ian or flag up opportunities around Church Unity you can email him here.