The school, part of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT), had an Ofsted inspection on the 10 and 11 December 2019. This was under the new, revised Ofsted framework that came into effect from September 2019.
Headteacher Mr Adrian Crossland said:
“I am absolutely delighted that Ofsted has acknowledged all of the fantastic work that is going on at Kessingland Church of England Primary Academy. The school has made remarkable progress in the last few years, moving from ‘Special Measures’ to ‘Requires Improvement’ and now to ‘Good’ in every area across the school. I am extremely proud of all of the children, staff, parents, governors and the Trust who have worked as a team to make the school such a special place to learn.”
The recent Ofsted report stated: “Pupils like their school. They are happy in their learning and play.”
Pupils enjoy the activities that they are offered for learning beyond lessons. They speak enthusiastically about school trips, such as the residentials which ‘build our self-esteem’. Pupils particularly enjoy visitors to school. One pupil said that the local author visit had inspired her to write.
One parent’s comment summed up the views of others in saying, “There’s nothing to improve, this school is great.”
Leaders set high expectations of staff and pupils and have built a strong sense of teamwork across the school.
Pupils’ work across the curriculum is of a good quality and shows a significant improvement on their previous achievement. School leaders and the trust make sure that staff are well trained. All staff appreciate this and are unanimous in their support of the leadership team.
Mr Crossland commented:
“It was extremely pleasing that all of the areas identified for improvement had already been acknowledged within the school’s own improvement priorities. The school will continue to work hard to improve these aspects further as it moves towards achieving an ‘Outstanding’ judgement in the future.”
Mr Crossland is proud of how all stakeholders – parents, staff, governors and DNEAT – have worked together to secure the best provision for the children attending Kessingland Church of England Primary Academy:
“Everyone has invested commitment, time and resources into the school community; supportive staff understand the local context and challenges that the school has faced and the Trust and governors continue to ensure that leaders meet high expectations. Throughout the journey, the children have been at the heart of every decision made.”
Oliver Burwood, the Chief Executive of DNEAT said,
“I am so pleased that Kessingland has achieved this fantastic outcome. It recognises the years of hard work that the Headteacher, Adrian Crossland, his team and DNEAT have put in to ensure that children receive a top-notch education at Kessingland. It’s been an incredible journey for an academy that was in Special Measures and which is now recognised as good.”