Journey Leaders

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One evening as we stood on the shore a moon of huge and astonishing proportions suddenly appeared, filling the whole sky with its presence and painting a blinding path across the sunset-coloured loch from the mountains on the horizon to the waters gently lapping at our feet. It was an awesome sight and the total silence and stillness created a magical scene that was quite uncanny and, our prayers ended, we were constrained to creep noiselessly away so as not to break the spell…

These are the things of Journeying, a unique, not-for-profit Christian organisation welcoming people of all faiths and those of none, on small group holiday journeys to beautiful and often remote parts of Britain and Ireland.

The origins of Journeying lie in Celtic spirituality and most of our trips still reflect that approach. Pilgrimage has been part of our story from the earliest days and that aspect continues to form a thread woven through all that we do.

The Journeying team, who are all volunteers, plan and lead the holidays.

The team meets together at least once a year and in many ways through its sharing of experiences and gathered times of prayer and retreat, resembles a small dispersed community.

We are always keen to hear from people interested in joining the team.

To find out more about team membership and leading a holiday with Journeying, please ask for our member’s pack using the contact details below.

Tel: 07896 285839 E-mail: