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Invitation to discover more about being part of a thriving trust

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The online event, taking place on Monday 27 and Wednesday 29 September, from 6.30pm to 8pm, will give a complete overview of what it is like being part of the trusts. We will hear from a Chair of governors, headteachers, a school business manager, an associate member whose school has just become a full member, the Bishop of Norwich, the Director of Education for the Diocese and the CEOs of both of the trusts.

Paul Dunning, Director of Education, Diocese of Norwich said: “In an education system that has become more fragmented it is vital schools are in strong groups together. Over the last eight years we have seen the benefits of collaborative working in our multi academy trusts. Our approach values the input of all and enables school leaders, governors, the school community and the central team to work as a collective for the benefit of pupils.”

Richard Cranmer, CEO of St Benet’s Multi Academy Trust said: “There is still a degree of confusion about what being an academy and part of a MAT is really like amongst Headteachers and Governors. These two events will provide clarification and answer many of the misconceptions.  We have an informative line up of key speakers, covering, how the trusts support headteachers, training and joint practice development.  We will also be highlighting what guidance and support you benefit from and an overview on finance and improving the financial efficiency of schools.”

Oliver Burwood, CEO of Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust said: “The session will be mainly colleagues working in our academies that you will hear from. Both Richard and I both have personal experience of the difference between LA schools and academies, support, outcomes, Ofsted, SIAMS and pupil outcomes. The online session will give some insight and background about the experience of our school improvement team, how our support links to outcomes and some of the examples of support given the challenges our academies have been faced with.”

One of the speaker is Ms Aziza Cranmer, Principal of St Mary’s Church of England Junior School which became a full member of St Benet’s MAT in September 2021 said: “We decided to ‘try before we buy,’ empowering us to be a part of St Benet’s Multi Academy Trust, with the solace of knowing that we could retreat at any point if we were not convinced. In the meantime, St Mary’s would take every opportunity presented, as though we ourselves were a full St Benet’s MAT school.”


The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich

Paul Dunning, Diocese of Norwich Director of Education

Oliver Burwood, CEO, DNEAT

Sam Nixon, DoSI, St Benet’s MAT

Jane Gardener, Exec HT, Sandringham Federation, DNEAT

Catherine King, Ex DHT and curriculum champion at Sandringham Federation, DNEAT

Emma Johnson, SBM, The Harleston Federation, St Benet’s MAT

Richard Cranmer, CEO, St Benet’s MAT

Simon Morley, AID, DNEAT

Aziza Cranmer, HT, St Mary’s Junior Academy, St Benet’s MAT

Roy Apps, CoG, Cawston Primary, DNEAT

Linda Parker, Trustee, DNEAT

Laura Richardson, Curriculum lead, Diss Primary Academy Partnership, St Benet’s MAT

Cheryl Melton, SBM, Unity Federation, DNEAT

Details for joining this event are here.