Hethersett Primary and Global Neighbours

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Headteacher, Mr Matthew Parslow-Williams explains more:

Global Neighbours is an accreditation scheme that aims to equip children with ‘the knowledge, skills and confidence to act against inequality and work towards a world free of poverty’.

We are currently applying for the Bronze accreditation; we choose to take part in this to develop pupils’ awareness of the world that they live in, allowing them to explore the lives of their global neighbours. Additionally, the accreditation encourages pupils in courageous advocacy – we want our learners to consider their views, responsibilities and actions regarding injustice and inequality.

As part of this project, pupils have experienced a wide range of learning opportunities. Pupils explore Global Neighbours themes across many areas of the curriculum, including English, Reading, Religion and Worldviews, Geography and PSHE. In addition to these areas, this academic year pupils have explored the following:

  • Christian Aid week: learning about the work of Christian Aid and a range of activities across school based on their work in poverty. For example, Year 2-4 school council children wrote after this day: [we] made a poem, a song, a rap or a poster to show what we had learnt about everyone in the world being connected and being a global neighbour
  • Earth Day pledges: pupils (and staff) reflected on their actions and attitudes towards looking after the Earth, making an individual ‘pledge to the Earth’ to improve our actions
  • Fundraising, e.g. the school council chose a range of charities to support over the year. These included local charities: Salvation Army Toys and Tins Christmas Appeal; national charities: Children in Need; global charities: Comic Relief
  • Collective worship based on events in the Global Neighbours calendar, such as injustice (e.g. Black History Month, International Women’s Day), poverty (e.g. Christian Aid Week), exploitation of the natural world (e.g. World Water Day, Earth Day)

Photos of pupils’ work and more information can be seen here .