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Active RE – Cancelled

Thursday 18 April, 2024 at 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm


This afternoon session takes the Active RE Resource created by Diocese of Norwich Sports Factory and walks attendees through the three key resources of Active RE Lesson Plans, Active RE Games Booklet and Active RE Visual Aids.  Schools attending will have electronic access to all three resources as part of the course fee. The resource offers physically active exploration of many Bible stories and key themes, starting with 6 lessons and active sessions on the Old Testament and then 6 lessons and active sessions on the New Testament.  The course will be led by Tim Henery, who has created and developed the resource, which he and his team use with a number of schools across Norfolk to teach Christianity.  The afternoon will provide an opportunity for you to see a lesson delivered to a class, followed up with a walk through the resources and a chance to ask questions.  It is hosted in schools for you to see how the resource can engage and enliven RE teaching with children of all ages.  It will also explore how you might use this resource as a way to grow stronger links with the your local church.

Venue: Horsford VA Primary, Norwich

Audience: PE Subject Leaders, RE Subject Leaders, PE Coaches / Church Youth Workers (Community, Church of England and Academies)


Thursday 18 April, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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