Could you Share The Miracle?

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SharetheMiracle at Easter is a simple, free of charge way to engage your local communities at Easter.

Their vision is to see a wave of kindness transform local communities far and wide at Easter. A simple way to start a conversation, meet people you may not ordinarily and reach out to those less fortunate locally.

They are asking Churches to launch a ShareTheMiracle Station or collection point in the run up to Easter so that those in the church and the wider community can donate Chocolate eggs for those less fortunate in their local area.

Churches can register their interest and intent online.

Once your ShareTheMiracle Station is registered online, you receive a free resource pack via email that includes posters and flyers that can be printed, emailed and put on your social media sites to tell everyone that your station is open and ready to receive their chocolate eggs.

During the last few years SharetheMiracle have helped hundreds of volunteers reach out to thousands of people including the poor and marginalised. Examples include those unwell in hospital, the elderly, disadvantaged young people, victims of human trafficking, those with lived experience of mental ill health and more.

The giving of an egg has proven to be a catalyst to ‘little miracles’; the egg that starts a conversation, causes someone to volunteer after seeing a need in their local community, an elderly person to feel less lonely when a young person reaches out. Each egg has the opportunity to change a situation and each act of kindness helps strengthen your community, form friendships and release hope.

If your church is interested in being a ShareTheMiracle Station, please visit their website