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Seasonal resources & campaigns


Filling the Gap for Christmas

The summer scheme ran for six weeks during the school holidays. In total 22 Church of England schools participated from across the diocese and a total of 131 families each


Norfolk Winter Support Offer

We know for many people this winter will be challenging for a variety of reasons, and there will be a lot of people who will need help with things like


Subscribe to our new digital advent calendar

Twenty-six very varied contributors from across the diocese (a shepherd, a teacher, a prison chaplain, for example) will offer us something to ponder each day. Sign up here to have

Book reviews

New Connect! booklet series launched

This series invites Christians to make strong and imaginative connections between our world, our call to be disciples of Jesus and our everyday lives. Written by the Revd Canon Susanna

Seasonal resources & campaigns

Easter theatre performances open to book

Powerful theatre on the journey to Easter Touring the UK Lent 2020: Performances booking now Amid the heat and beauty of ancient Palestine, a man stands on a dusty road.