The Pilgrim Federation of Primary Schools celebrates founding day

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The morning was spent in group activities learning about various aspects of the Cathedral. The children were divided into five groups and visited the Cloisters, Nave Altar, West End &; Font, the Choir & High Altar and South Transept for reflections.

After packed lunches in the Bowerbank Room and Prior’s Hall children, staff, parents and governors assembled in the Cathedral nave for the Annual Founding Day Service led by the Dean, The Very Revd Jane Hedges who also gave the homily.

Year 6 children presented the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, which concluded with the distribution of chocolate loaves and fishes to all present!

Worship songs included ‘Bread for the World’ and ‘You Shall Go Out With Joy’.

The children departed back to their schools having had a memorable pilgrimage to the cathedral.