Two new learning pathways have opened up for the Diocese of Norwich, in partnership with the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication CCX. These two pathways provide an opportunity for intensive coaching and discussion based learning for ordained and lay leaders alike.
The ‘Grow’ course is aimed at supporting ordained church leaders and their teams to help them grow in health depth and impact. The pathway takes the form of four modules and eight coaching sessions. ‘Myriad’ on the other hand, is a longer pathway of 2.5 years that inspires and coaches lay leaders to develop new church communities to reach a new demographic in their parish. Myriad was developed to serve the Mixed Ecology vision of the Church of England for 10,000 new worshipping communities. The aim is to support the planting of thousands of new, predominantly lay-led, Church of England churches in the next ten years, partnering with other church networks to inspire similar movement. The Norwich Myriad Hub is called Mustard Seeds.
Both leadership pathways support the development of a mixed ecology of church.
Grow and Myriad are part of the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX).
The pathways began in September and participants are supported by the Bishop of Lynn, the Rt Revd Dr Jane Steen and the Diocesan Mission team, including Charlotte Bayes, Mission Support Officer, both seen in this photo.
If you are interested in knowing more about church planting, then please contact our mission team. Email Revd Dave Lloyd at