Wymondham Benefice Directions from Bishop of Norwich published

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The directions are the formal and final outcome of the Visitation which Bishop Graham commissioned in December 2020. A Visitation Team focused on various aspects of the life of the benefice, meeting with individuals and looking at PCC policies and procedures. The Bishop’s directions to the Vicar and Churchwardens are a matter of public record and can be read at the link below.

Bishop Graham has said:

“Whenever there are tensions within a Christian community there are people who are hurt and the polarisation of views can easily occur. Sadly, the way that Wymondham Abbey and Spooner Row has been led by the Vicar and Churchwardens has not built bridges, nor fostered confidence from a wide range of people. My earnest hope and prayer is that the publication of these directions will enable the whole community to move ahead with renewed hope, as together we seek to live the Gospel. I look forward to watching closely how the directions are followed through.”


Wymondham Directions – All Saints Day 2021