Bishop Graham Welcoming Services have begun

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In front of  a large congregation drawn from churches throughout the Yarmouth Deanery, including the Mayor, Cllr Michael Jeal, the High Sherriff of Norfolk Clare Agnew and Henry Cator High Steward of Great Yarmouth, Year 6 pupil Eda Revuckaite asked the Bishop to declare that he would, by the grace of the Holy Spirit and trusting God to be his guide walk into the future; lead the church in new paths so it would flourish and be open to new challenges which would draw people back to Christ, and do more than could be imagined.

Earlier in the service the Bishop said: ‘I come among you as your servant and pastor; humbly seeking the grace of God.’ He continued:

‘I take on the yoke of obedience as your Bishop and for the love of Christ I seek to do his perfect will.’ But he asked the congregation to join with him and also commit themselves to the task.

He moved to the font to affirm the baptismal covenant encouraging the congregation to reaffirm their faith before sprinkling water as he walked down the aisle. He preached a sermon in which he spoke about the Bishop’s staff and Jesus as the Good Shepherd, urging people to listen for the voice of Jesus in modern society. He said ‘We don’t change the world by looking at it but living in it, living in the world in the way Jesus wants us to live.’

Prayers were led by Belton curate Viv Redpath, Martham Authorised Worship Assistant Ivy Eyre and Alyssa Bassett-Oldfield, another 11 year old pupil from the Priory School. Two more eight year old pupils Harry Holliday and Matilde Da Silva helped with the collection.  The Total Ensemble company performed Embrace, a dance which was also featured in the Cathedral service. A combined choir with singers from several churches, sang John Rutter’s The Lord Bless You and Keep You. The whole service was interpreted in sign language by Rosemary Pell and Ann Richardson and members of the Norwich Deaf Church also attended.

Bishop Graham was enthroned at the Cathedral on Saturday 9 November and his welcome tour continues at Cromer on 24 November;Thetford on 25 November and ends at King’s Lynn on 27 November.