Parenting for Faith



An excellent resource which provides five Key Tools will equip you with what you need to help your family meet and know God.

Every family and situation is different. These five Key Tools will equip you with what you need to help your family meet and know God. You will find them at the heart of each of our books, courses, podcast and other resources.

Creating Windows

This tool builds on the way God has designed our brains to learn best – by watching and trying things for ourselves. Allow kids to glimpse what your relationship with God looks like, so they can learn how to have a real two-way connection with him themselves.


Framing is all about explaining – what God is doing, why things happen, who he is. Show kids how God works in all of life, show them how to explore the Bible well and work through any question they might have.


This is an important tool for helping kids to grow a balanced and healthy view of God. It can be easy to slip into a lopsided view, and this tool helps to gently unwind misconceptions, building in a broad and balanced understanding of who God is.

Chat and Catch

This tool encourages children in prayer and hearing God’s voice – chatting to him about everything that is on their hearts and catching his response, however he chooses to speak. Help children to connect directly with God at any time, in all circumstances, wherever they are.

Surfing the Waves

This tool helps us spot what God is doing in a child’s life. All children are different, and God’s purposes for them are different. Learn to identify their ‘waves’ and support them as interests and passions come and go.