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Follow the Star: The Great Invitation – Advent 2022

Publisher: The Church of England

Discover resources to invite your community back to church this Christmas. The services and events will be specific to your community, but here you will find signposts to the national branding, reflections and more that will help you to invite people into your church – both online and onsite.

We will be developing new resources for 2022 which will work alongside material from previous years, with a focus on The Great Invitation – encouraging everyone to share the joy of gathering together to celebrate the birth of Jesus with their family, friends and neighbours – especially after two years where this has been impossible for many.

The campaign will include:

  • Reflections – 12 Advent reflections to share on the theme of ‘invitation’
  • National online services – services broadcast to share on Advent Sundays and at Christmas
  • Printed materials – a reflections booklet and a range of other printed materials
  • Christmas in a Box – a small number of model services that you can take and make your own


What to do now

  1. Click the pink ‘View all resources’ button above for details on the national branding, reflections and more.
  2. Read the Summary pack 2021 ( (starting from page 11).
  3. Log-in to the Resources hub of for logos and other branding resources.
  4. Make a note to add your onsite and online Advent and Christmas services on, using an Advent or Christmas tag. There will also be ‘Great Invitation’ features on the site to help you invite people to your church services more easily.

Note for service planning: The World Cup final takes place the last Sunday before Christmas on 18th December.