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Refugee fund re-launched in response to Afghanistan crisis

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Bishop Graham says:

“The appalling plight of families fleeing Afghanistan has been deeply moving to watch. As we seek to welcome some families to Norfolk and Waveney, I am relaunching the Bishop of Norwich’s refugee fund.

“This fund has given small grants to help with welcoming refugees from Syria and I am now extending it to support Afghans. It does not duplicate support that is provided by the State or other charities but looks for ways to help refugees settle. One example has been buying TV licences that help refugee families learn English and understand British culture and entertainment.

Your generous support, in loving our suffering neighbours as Jesus asks of us, would be hugely appreciated at this time. Thank you.”

Norfolk County Council (NCC) has asked us for help to enable them to respond to requests to donate financially to refugees arriving in Norfolk. The Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance will administrate the fund.

Click here to donate

Click the above button and select Bishop’s Refugee Fund from the drop-down menu under A project, appeal, or charity

Other ways to give:

Donate by cheque: make it payable to ‘NDBF Ltd’ and make it clear which church, parish, benefice or appeal the money is to be put towards. Post to: 109 Dereham Road, Easton, Norwich, NR9 5ES.

Make a bank transfer using these details:

Payment reference: Bishop’s Refugee Fund

Sort code: 20-62-61

Account number: 30674508

Account name: NORWCH DIO (please note no “i”)

You can also download the QR Code for your notice board should you wish.

To find practical ways to contribute, please visit NCC’s page here.

The Diocese of Norwich Mothers’ Union is building upon five years’ experience of practically supporting vulnerable families from Syria. They have now helped three families come to Norwich from Afghanistan, working in partnership with NCC and the Home Office, by providing curtains and full bedding sets and making up the beds ready for a family’s arrival. If you want to assist with a financial donation towards this, please contact the Mothers’ Union Office on 01603 88233 or





The Church of England’s Toolkit for supporting Afghan Refugees is also available.

We shall be adding any further relevant details to this page as the situation develops.