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Important updates to our publications PCC News and Prayer Diary

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We are aiming to improve the way we communicate with churches and parishes.  Your Parish Support Team are not just here to send out messages through print or other communication channels. Our core purpose is to support mission and ministry in Norfolk and Waveney through churches, schools and chaplaincies. So we want to hear from you. We aim to serve you in a supportive and helpful way, to listen, learn and respond, leading to improved two way communication.


Changes to our provision

PCC news has contained helpful stories and practical guidance over the past 10 years, printed, packed and posted to over 4000 people each quarter and we are so grateful to all who have contributed to the newspaper. It is now time to bring PCC News to an end as a printed publication with Winter 2023 being the last, but the stories won’t stop! We still want to hear from you about your PCC, your mission action plans, your church news and events, and there are many ways to do this.


Prayer Diary

The printed Prayer Diary has been delivered along with PCC News each quarter since its inception in 2019. With PCC News coming to an end by Dec 2023, we need to rethink the way we are delivering the Prayer Diary.

Therefore, we need to start a new mailing list for those people who wish to continue receiving the Prayer Diary as a printed publication.

The digital version of the Prayer Diary is still available to sign up to if you haven’t done so already. If you are a clergy or PCC member, you will receive this automatically. You can still unsubscribe at any point.

Please note the following:

  • The Prayer Diary will still be compiled and created each quarter. There are four per year.
  • You can subscribe to the digital version, which is delivered to your inbox each quarter via this link: You can download and print it from this email if you wish to.
  • If you wish to receive a printed version, we need to begin our mailing list again to ensure compliance and that you receive the publication you have requested. You must subscribe to receive the printed version here: this will ensure you receive all four Prayer Diaries during the year. We will send a reminder email asking if you would like to continue receiving it by post before each spring edition. If you do not subscribe, it will not be delivered to you.
  • The Prayer Diary is still compiled, printed and posted for free. However, if you would like to donate money towards this, this is available here:
  • Current ‘one off’ copies can still be bought through the shop:
  • If you belong to a parish or benefice and would like more than one copy, please contact us and we can make a note of it.


If you need any support with this, please email or call 01603 880853.

*NEW* Church Buildings Bulletin

The Church Buildings Commission report made it clear that you would like easier ways to contact members of the Parish Support Team and that you’d like to hear from us more about what support is available.

Therefore, if you have a specific role connected with looking after your church building, you should now be receiving the digital Church Buildings Bulletin newsletter which launched in September 2023.

Customer Service improvements

We’re also aware that some people don’t necessarily like communicating digitally.

In response to this, we’re aiming to proactively improve our customer service by ensuring that you will always get to speak to a person as your first point of contact when you get in touch with us.  The responsibilities for this role are still being finalised at the time of writing, but it will be a person whose job it is to be the welcoming voice of the Parish Support Team and to proactively contact churches and PCC members to find out how we can support you.

We hope these changes as a whole will ensure that we are:

  • Continuing to provide you with information, resources, news and support
  • GDPR compliant and send publications that you have asked to receive
  • Responding well to the Church Buildings Commission report
  • Being wise stewards of our budget
  • Improving our customer service to PCCs and parishes.

In the first instance, please email: or call 01603 880853 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. We look forward to hearing from you.