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Parish Safeguarding Officers

Each PCC must appoint a Parish Safeguarding Officer (previously called the ‘Named Person’) who takes responsibility for implementing Safeguarding policy, practice and guidance.

PSO Networking & Briefing Session

New in 2023, and additional to the PSO Induction Training sessions, the Safeguarding Team will be facilitating quarterly PSO Networking & Briefing sessions, on a Saturday morning, 10am – 1pm at Diocesan House, Easton. The intention is to offer all PSOs the valuable opportunity to meet with other PSOs, as well as be able to communicate any Safeguarding updates, current issues or ‘topics of the moment’. Indeed, as a Team, we would welcome in advance, topics or queries from individuals they may wish to raise, and you can do this by e mailing

The Safeguarding Team will all be present, thereby offering the opportunity for individuals to meet with the team as well as bring their queries to the session. However, importantly, this is intended to be a forum where we envisage valuable networking will take place, thereby offering collaborative support to all those who have taken on the role as Parish Safeguarding Officer.

Saturday 25th February 2023  10am-1pm

Saturday 10th June 2023  10am-1pm

Saturday 5th August 2023  10am-1pm

Saturday 4th November 2023  10am-1pm

To book a place, please e mail