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A Church Near You

What is A Church Near You? is the Church of England’s official church finder tool, and it also offers free websites for churches and benefices. You can locate your

Communications & publicity

A Church Near You Updates

Dedicated safeguarding information box for church homepages The House of Bishops has instructed all churches to display a safeguarding statement on the homepage of their website. You can do this

Bishop of Norwich

On the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Preparations are under way for a special memorial service to be held at Norwich Cathedral, with more details to be announced in the coming days. The service will also be

Communications & publicity

Diocese brings an end to The Magazine

The Magazine’s thematic approach began with a focus on remembrance in the autumn of 2014. Themes over the following years included loving our neighbours, our calling and vocation, rural outreach,

Clergy & Chaplains

Diocese launches online giving for all churches

As part of a focus to make online giving as easy as possible for every parish, this new functionality will sit alongside and compliment online giving through benefice’s websites, and

Communications & publicity

Bishop of Norwich encourages Day of Prayer for Media

As the Day of Prayer for the Media approaches on Sunday, 3 November 2019 churches across the country are being asked to pray for those within the media including Christian journalists. The annual