Acting Archdeacons of Lynn appointed

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Bishop Graham and Bishop Jane have been considering how best to cover key aspects of Archdeacon Ian’s work during this time. From 1 February, arrangements will be as follows until further notice:

The Revd Canon Sally Theakston will cover:

  • The Archdeacon’s Pastoral Visitations

She will share with the Rural Deans and the Bishop of Lynn:

  • Pastoral issues
  • Vacancies, including the parsonage house and preparation for future ministry

The Revd Canon Christopher Davies will cover:

  • All matters concerning the faculty jurisdiction (including List A and List B matters); the DAC; churchyards and their walls in conjunction with the Pastoral Department
  • Matters pertaining to parish share and parish finances in conjunction with the Finance Department

Please refer pastoral and vacancy matters to your rural dean in the first instance.

Bishop Graham expressed his immense gratefulness that Sally and Fr Christopher are taking this on in addition to their current roles. They will each be licensed as Acting Archdeacon.

They can be contacted as follows:

Canon Sally Theakston: 07825 132050 or

Canon Christopher Davies: 07435 793584 or

The email address will be monitored by Ann Whittet and forwarded to whoever is best placed to answer. Ann can be contacted directly on 01362 709200 or


Please pray for Sally and Christopher as they take on this additional role, along with Ann and Bishop Jane as they support them.

Please also continue to hold Archdeacon Ian, Caroline and all their family in your prayers as his treatment continues in the coming months. He has started palliative chemotherapy treatment and has now been signed off for at least six months.