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Young People


James Wild MP visits DNEAT school

As part of his focus on education and opportunity in North West Norfolk, James was given a tour of Middleton Church of England Primary Academy on Friday 9 July by


Work with us while you study

We are looking for students to join a successful training scheme for youth and sports ministry. Students will study for a degree in Theology, Ministry and Mission at Ridley Hall


Four MPs visit our schools in June

On 18 June, Elizabeth Truss MP visited Mundford CofE Primary Academy, James Wild MP visited Aswicken CofE Primary Academy and George Freeman MP visited Necton CofE Primary Academy. Duncan Baker MP


Air Cadets inspired by Connect!

The cadets have been collecting food and toiletries for the Northfield Foodbank to help their local community. They decided to collect food following a ‘Padre’s Hour’ virtual parade night during