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New daily reflection sheets

To help us journey from Ascension Day to Pentecost, the Revd Canon Susanna Gunner (Diocesan Adviser for Spirituality and Discipleship)  has written a set of eleven reflections. Each day a


Prayer request from COVID-19 counsellors

Over 300 qualified counsellors from all the professional bodies including ACC, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the UK Council for Psychotherapy, and the National Counselling Society have offered

Accessible church

Mothering Sunday podcast

Speaking in his introduction, Bishop Graham said: “Life feels so strange at present. Things are out of kilter, including our emotions, and there is sorrow that our churches are closed

Parish stories

Archbishop Sancroft Prayerspace

The space allows young people to explore prayer and also to reflect on their lives. Catherine Adams, Head of Student Support said: “It’s been an invaluable space to allow our


Pilgrimage in Lapland

Former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dag had left behind a book of Markings. It reflects its author’s efforts to live his creed, his belief that “all men are equally the