Update on Archdeacon Ian

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With the permission of Archdeacon Ian, Bishop Graham has written an update on Archdeacon Ian’s health. Below this update is a prayer for Ian and his family, written by Susanna Gunner, which you may wish to use.

“Archdeacon Ian is very grateful for everyone’s continued prayers and concern. His situation has changed drastically in the last week when it was discovered that the chemotherapy has not worked. This has now been stopped and he has been passed on to the palliative care team at Priscilla Bacon Hospice. The prognosis is now much worse and it appears that he has weeks rather than month to live.

Please continue to pray for Ian, Caroline and the family as they continue to travel through this journey. He is full of faith in the risen Jesus and the healing power of the Gospel.”

Prayer for Ian Bentley

Risen Christ, we hold Ian in your Love:

may he and Caroline and all the family

know themselves enfolded in your embrace,

upheld by a Love stronger than death.


Risen Christ, we hold Ian in your Light:

for his own trusting witness to that Light

we thank you; we rejoice with him

that the darkness can never put it out.


Risen Christ, we hold Ian in your Life,

for you are the Life that’ll never, never die:

may his journey into you be marked by grace,

full of gentleness and the deepest peace.