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The Church Building Ambassador network – A guiding hand

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Over the last few years a volunteer network has been built up of people with diverse skills and experience who are willing to help other parishes: the Church Building Ambassadors.

The Church Building Ambassadors provide a supportive point-of-contact for parishes seeking to undertake projects to repair/alter their church buildings. This can be a daunting prospect, particularly for PCC members new to the task. A Church Building Ambassador is typically someone who has already undertaken a project in a PCC role, or has direct relevant experience from another context. Whatever their background, they can act as a ‘second pair of eyes’ and offer independent thought/advice on potential or actual projects.

The support needed will vary between parishes, but might include the following:

  • Being a ‘critical friend’ who may spot opportunities/issues that others miss
  • Meeting the PCC/project team and helping them to plan for the key steps needed to develop and take forward their project
  • Responding to queries and requests for advice as projects progress
  • Reading and commenting on non-technical project documentation, including Statements of Need and Significance and funding applications.

The Church Building Ambassadors can be contacted directly through Diocesan House. When a request for help is submitted the Network is informed and an Ambassador will make contact. The role of the Ambassador is agreed mutually with the parish. Whilst Ambassadors are able to help with a great many questions they cannot fill the role of the parish’s professional architect or surveyor!

To contact the Network, send an email to stating where you’re from and what you need help with. The office will then send the request direct to the network.