Royal Warrants Amending Forms of Service
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Prayers for the Royal Family
1. On 3 May 2023 the King directed by Royal Warrant that the prayers for or referring to members of the Royal Family should be altered, and the amended forms used thereafter. The Warrant indicates that, with effect from 6 May 2023, in every prayer
for the Royal Family contained in any form of service authorized for use in the Church of England, instead of the words ‘Camilla the Queen Consort’ the words ‘Queen Camilla’ should be inserted.
2. From Coronation Day onward, the Prayer for the Royal Family in the Book of Common Prayer will therefore read:
Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless Queen Camilla, William Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and all the Royal Family: Endue them with thy Holy Spirit; enrich them with thy heavenly grace; prosper them with all happiness; and bring them to thine everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
3. In a further Warrant the King directed that the forms of service for Accession Day be re-promulgated with the necessary amendments.
3 May 2023 The Revd Dr MATTHEW SALISBURY
National Liturgical Adviser