The Revd Kyla says: “I love the fact that I can cycle everywhere so easily in King’s Lynn. It’s a good way of eco-travel and my trike gives me many opportunities for some good conversations!”
From 28 – 30 September, Revd Kyla is swapping her triking for hiking, as she and her husband Peter embark on a sponsored walk to raise much-needed funds for the mission and ministry at St Faith’s.
It’s been a year since Kyla and Peter moved to King’s Lynn for Kyla to take up the post in Gaywood and it’s been an exciting and busy 12 months she reports. “So much has happened: From celebrating births and remembering loved ones, the opening of the St. Faith’s Community Hub, starting new prayer groups to reintroducing more social events and beginning to build the church’s outreach into the Gaywood Community. “It’s been an inspiring time.” says Revd Kyla, and in typical servant heart: “We have much to be thankful for, but there is still much to do.”
Peter and Kyla have decided to celebrate the first year’s anniversary by walking a “reverse pilgrimage” from Walsingham back to Gaywood – about 33km in total. They have called it Walking Home. During their time on pilgrimage to the Holy Land before Easter, Kyla and Peter reflected on what it means to be on a road where the only purpose is to come home to Jesus. There is a certain love and peace that purpose brings, and they were moved by how all else flows from that deep sense of oneness with the one who loves us. The peace that comes when the only thing to do is to follow in His footsteps.
Since that time on pilgrimage, they have been pondering what it means to be walking alongside others – in church and in the community, and this sponsored walk seemed the ideal way to raise much-needed funds for the church.
“Gaywood is a wonderful place to live.” says Peter, “We love it here and we want the church to be able to serve the community well. This is something we can do together to give something back.”
“We are calling it “Walking Home” because that is all we will be doing – walking home to Gaywood, walking home to St Faith’s. Giving thanks for all we have; giving thanks for the people of our church and parish, praying and hoping for the future.” said Revd Kyla.
If you’d like to sponsor the Revd Kyla and Peter, please click here to visit the Just Giving page to donate online. There will also be a sponsorship form at the back of the church and in the church office for the next few weeks.
You can follow Revd Kyla and Peter’s progress by visiting the church Facebook page @stfaithsgaywoodlep.