Diocese of Norwich St Benet’s Multi-Academy Trust welcomes its fifth school

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Jo Cerullo, Executive Headteacher for Diss Primary Academy said:

“We had lovely assembly attended by children representing each school in our St Benet’s family.  The children wrote and read prayers of support and love to welcome the newest addition.  There were performances from a very talented pianist called Grianne from Archbishops Sancroft, and the Diss Church of England Junior Choir.  The children from both the Infant school and Nursery sat in awe and then responded with one of their own favourite songs – ‘When we play together, we have so much fun.’”

Richard Cranmer, CEO of St Benets Multi Academy Trust said:

“I am delighted that Diss Infant Academy and Nursery have become the fifth school to join St Benet’s MAT. The school has for many years worked in partnership with Diss Church of England Junior Academy and this relationship will now be further strengthened as both schools are part of the MAT. Staff from both schools have already met to look at shared values and ways in which they can collectively provide the very best learning opportunities for their children.”