Clergy Family Fun Day

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The Children, Youth and Families Team wanted to provide a fun-filled family day to show their appreciation for the work people who minister do, and create an opportunity where the families could spend quality time together without the distraction of work.

The day was filled with a range of outdoor activities and games for people of all ages to enjoy. Activities included canoeing, crate stacking, tower climbing, zip wire and archery. Indoors, bible chat mats were laid out to be coloured in by the younger children, together with board games, table games and the new ‘Here I Am’ resource encouraging intergenerational conversations.

The event was a huge success, with families attending from all across the Diocese.

Organiser of the event, The Revd Julia Chamberlin, said: “The Horstead Centre has always provided an exciting, challenging and supportive environment for children and young people so it was the perfect place to host the activities for our clergy families who work so hard. I really hope the day provided a memory that will last a lifetime.

One member of clergy said: “Fantastic day giving us an opportunity for quality family time with adventure and meeting other families in ministry

A six year old said: “I loved it! I liked the climbing wall!

Overall, the clergy family fun day was a huge success and a testament to the strong sense of community and camaraderie that exists within the local church. It was a wonderful opportunity for clergy and their families to relax, have fun and connect with others in a fun and friendly environment.

Watch the highlights video!

The Children, Youth & Families Team have begun thinking about next year’s event and how we can include more families from across the Diocese. Make sure you follow them on Facebook and Instagram to get all the latest resources, training and events. Or you can subscribe to their newsletter here.