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Clergy & Chaplains

Clergy & Chaplains

King’s Lynn Minster Canon retires

The current pandemic lockdown means there can be no leaving service for the foreseeable future. “I’m very busy trying to get everything in order for others to find what they

Clergy & Chaplains

A letter to the Diocese from our Bishops

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This is following up the letter earlier from the Archbishops and Bishops to clergy. We are acutely conscious of the sheer weight of the

Accessible church

Mothering Sunday podcast

Speaking in his introduction, Bishop Graham said: “Life feels so strange at present. Things are out of kilter, including our emotions, and there is sorrow that our churches are closed

Clergy & Chaplains

Susanna Gunner appointed Queen’s Chaplain

An Honorary Chaplain to the Queen (QHC) is a member of the clergy within the United Kingdom who, through long and distinguished service, is appointed to minister to the monarch.

Clergy & Chaplains

Five new Cathedral Canons installed

The Cathedral has 24 Honorary Canons, who, together with 12 Lay Canons, the Archdeacons and Suffragan Bishops make up the College of Canons.  This body meets three times a year