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The three year review

The three year review

AWAs are authorised for a period of three years. Towards the end of this period, a letter will be received from the Bishop inviting the AWA to review their role if they and the parish wish the authorisation to be renewed.

The AWA should prepare the following in preparation for a review meeting with their Incumbent/Supervisor

1. A brief Log

  • A list of services led and the range of styles of worship. We would simply like an idea of the approximate regularity and range of services you have led or helped lead.
  • How often have you met for personal or group supervision with your
    incumbent /supervisor. Again, we are only looking for approximate figures and frequency.
  • A record of learning that you have undertaken (courses, day conferences, deanery training events, books or articles you have found helpful)

2. An Example of Learning

  • Please give an example of learning you have undertaken (training session/event, reading, or online learning). Please identify in a paragraph or two what was helpful for you or for your ministry.
  • Alternatively, you may prefer to describe a service or services you have led after which you reflected and learned from the experience. Again, just a paragraph or two.
  • Your learning log must include confirmation that you have undertaken the appropriate online safeguarding training: Basic Awareness (C0) and Safeguarding Foundations (C1) modules, and the Awareness of Domestic Abuse module (Please note, this training needs to be renewed every three years).
    The training can be found at
    A third module, Leadership (C2) is available for those with particular leadership responsibilities. Please check with your incumbent and the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser if you feel this is appropriate for your particular role.

3. Personal Review

  • Please provide a short, reflective piece of writing (a side of A4 maximum) describing your own faith journey during the last three years. How has your faith deepened and your discipleship developed, whether through leading worship, training events, mentoring or other events. How have you seen God walking with you in this journey?
    After your local review meeting, please include with your folder the following:
  • A letter of commendation from the Incumbent following on from the discussion about your review papers. This should be looked at together before submission.
    Please send these papers (email or post) before the date your authorisation expires to:

The Revd Sue Hemsley Halls
23 High Bungay Road
NR 14 6JS